Raisins, walnuts, and plums simmer together in a fruity blue conserve that'd be great with roast meats or on sandwiches.
Author: Nika Standen Hazelton
Author: Ruth A. Matson
Author: James Beard
Author: Dorothy Lee
Rich plums play along with the fruity rich flavors of a port wine in this jelly condiment.
Author: Andrew Schloss
Author: Eloise Davison
This frothy, salted Turkish yogurt drink is endlessly refreshing.
Drambuie, a Scotch-based honey-and-herb liqueur, is what really distinguishes this classic cocktail.
Author: Dione Lucas
This mint-infused pineapple-lime marmalade makes a quick tropical-inspired condiment for roasted meats.
Flips were originally hot drinks made with egg and a variety of liquors and wines. They were warmed up by means of a loggerhead, an iron tool with a long handle and bulbous end that could be heated and...
Named for a county in Ireland, this cocktail is made with Irish whisky and emerald-green herbal Chartreuse liqueur.